Monday, December 8, 2008

High school students protest

With so much work and stress in the lives of teens these days, many fans find it hard to tune in to their favorite shows like "Gossip Girl," "90210," "Heroes," or whatever else is exciting and entertaining. Because it is difficult to be available at the specific times these shows air, a grassroots movement has begun to ban all reruns of shows older than 10 years old.

Stacie, 17, said "I mean... Its ridiculous. Every time I turn on the television I see some 50 year old show like M.A.S.H. I'm at school for 8 hours a day, and have to spend several more doing homework. I don't want to put up with this crap!"

John, 16, complained "They just keep airing the same old shows over and over again... I want to watch my new episodes on TV. Someone has got to realize what I want."

The movement is growing rapidly among high schools, giving reruns a reason to fear: these kids can vote soon!

Oxygen Media to buy Spike TV

Oxygen Media announced yesterday the conclusion of negotiations to buy out the cable network Spike TV. As a spokesperson for the deal, Oprah assured dedicated Spike fans to not worry: "minimal changes" will be made to the network.

The announcement included the new title of the Spike network, when transactions are final: O2. At the press conference, a concerned fan asked "You won't get rid of the 'Girls Gone Wild' commercials will you?" To which the company responded that it is too soon to tell.

In any case, this situation is clearly telling of the times. Spike was economically unable to continue independently, and management apparently decided it was time to get out now. We can only hope that this corporate juggling on "Wall Street" does not affect the heart of America. Some fans voiced hopes for the government to offer bailout money to Spike, complaining "If so much of our tax money is going to the bailout... Why can't some of it go to something important."

Fortunately the proud company of Oxygen Media was there to still Spike's fall. Unfortunately without government help, anyone could be next.

NBC steals "Are You Smarter?" from FOX

With Bush heading out of office in close to a month, one might wonder what presidents do after spending years tirelessly serving our country. Wonder no more: Bush was quickly signed by NBC to host the first airing season of "Are you smarter than a president?" The show seems almost identical to FOX's "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" hosted by Jeff Foxworthy, but executive Jeff Zucker denies any connection to FOX's version.

Bush will bring an array of adult, real world questions he was faced with while in office, and present them to youngsters. If contestants continually provide the obvious answers to questions that Bush seemed to miss during his presidency, they can win up to $1,000,000.

The show is set to air live on the evening of January 29, 2009 after Obama's inauguration.

Next season of Survivor announced!

There has been no Cast Announcement yet, but CBS has revealed the theme of the coming season: Iraq. CBS has not told anyone officially who will be in Survivor: Iraq, but we expect the announcement any day now. Please keep checking back here. As soon as anyone knows, we'll be sure to inform you.

CBS has released some additional information. Contestants will be forced to live the life of refugees. Challenges will include themed activities often regarding insurgency. Surviving the recent surges of occupying troops will be of notable importance.

Fans voted for Iraq as Survivor's next location, winning out over North Korea in a marginal victory.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Greetings friendly readers, this is Rotten Apple signing in.